Sketch Gamble

Sketch Gamble

Sketch Gamble owner of Immortal Rose Tattoo & Art Gallery located in the center of downtown Raleigh, North Carolina; is a multidisciplinary artist. From tattoos to painting, digital illustration, and creative consulting Sketch Gamble’s work focuses on being the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds through the imagery of children experiencing different fields of science applied to art. Pushing the boundaries of reality displaying the power of the imagination. His work takes the viewer on a journey of self discovery through space and time. Planting the seed for the next generation to create STEAM from STEM. 

The concept behind his work is “planting seeds even though I may not enjoy the shade.” Planting the seed of creativity and a mindset of the future. Encouraging this mindset in people of all ages to make the connections between science and spirituality. Shedding more light on how these are tools to peer into the deepest parts of understanding ourselves. “We are all artist in our own worlds, and worlds in our own artist.” The journey is watering the idea of everyone being born an artist and on a mission to find the artistic world that best suits their mind and thought processes. The goal is for the viewer to be able to be inspired to use their creative imagination to navigate through life creating more positive outcomes.